1986 Final To Be Replayed!

The first FA Cup final between Everton and Liverpool is set to be replayed for Charity on May Bank Holiday 2006. Kenny Daglish is the man behind the idea to replay the 1986 game with proceeds going to the Marina Dalglish Charity.

Liverpool FC have agreed to host the game with Daglish in charge of Liverpool and Kendall managing Everton. The aim is to get as many, if not all, the original players taking part. Peter Reid, Bruce Grobbelaar, Ian Rush and Alan Hansen have all agreed.

Everton’s team of 1986 will look to get revenge for the 3-1 defeat.

Daglish says ‘This is about celebrating and reliving one of the greatest FA Cup finals ever played. What matters now is about us all getting together again, enjoying the day and raising more money for Marina’s charity. I’ve spoken to Howard and he has agreed to take charge of the Everton team, while I’ll run the Liverpool side. I’ll be getting myself fit to play as well. I hope as many of the original lineups will be there. I’ve spoken to lots of the lads on both sides already and they are up for it. Reidy certainly is.’

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